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Portrait Lighting with Rudy Pollak

Strong portraits make the viewer stop and take a longer look.
Portrait Lighting with Rudy Pollak

Portrait Lighting with Rudy Pollak

Learn how to create beautiful portraits in a studio environment in our Portrait Lighting Class. Your instructor, master photographer Rudy Pollak, will demonstrate basic lighting techniques utilizing studio lighting. and his tips and tricks to create amazing portraits that he learned over the last 60 years in the industry. 

Topics Covered:

LED or Flash Which should you use?

Light diffusers, umbrellas, soft boxes, reflectors and more.

Subject posing for portraits.

Creating the perfect headshot.

Outdoor flash using high-speed flash sync.

During this informative workshop, Rudy will walk you through several classic lighting setups. Learn light positioning and how to control your shadows. Light diffusion and how it can soften your image. Flash vs. LED and why you would use one compared to the other. Rudy will teach you how to get amazing portraits quickly and easily.

We look forward to meeting you in class.

This workshop is limited to 15 participants each session to maximize your photographing time.

Class Fee: $149

Ongoing Class Dates: Wednesday, March 19th

Click Reserve Button For Upcoming Dates

Portrait Lighting with Rudy Pollak
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